Upgraded to WP 2.9.0
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Finally finished the upgrade – sorry for any inconvenience it toke me a bit more time.
As usual on major release there is new requirement so be sure to check them before upgrading.
I proceeded as usual – following instructions from wordpress web site, but on the last step (database upgrade) I was surprised with message that my DB version is not supported in new version.
So I had to create new one and upload all SQL data from the backup (you have one of course) happily I was able to do it without any modifications.
If you’ve noticed any quirks, please let me know.
Hello World
Filed Under Announcements, Project | Leave a Comment
Welcome to HB Blog
This is usually the name of the program every programmer begins with.
So why not start with this…
Starting web log or silply blog is not a trivial task. So, please be gentle….and check back for updates.
See you soon,