find is LINUX/UNIX command to find files in file system.

Here you will find few tricks:

find ~ -type f mtime 0

Will show all files in your home folder created today.

find ~ -type f mtime 0 -iname '*.mp3'

Will narrow the search to .mp3 files only and iname is not case sensitive.

And if you want to search for files that are not belonging to you use:

find ~ ! -user ${USER}

Lot more options you can find in find man page

man find

All new computers do not have FDD (Floppy Disk Drive) and even you find one it could be rally hard to find good media.

As remedy to this you could still boot from a CD

But sometimes you even do not have CD/DVD drive.

And then you need to boot from floppy to update your BIOS.

So what to do?

Do not run to your basement looking for floppies. There is another way. You can use grub and syslinux.

First you need Linux installed (OR probably you already have it). Examples here are for Ubuntu.

Next step is to install needed software:
sudo aptitude install syslinux

Then download a floppy image:

Then mount the image:
sudo mount Dos6.22.img /mnt -o loop

You can remove everything except:

  • autoexec.bat
  • config.sys
  • himem.sys
  • io.sys
  • mscdex.exe
  • msdos.sys

After that in case of upgrading BIOS you need to copy new bios file and flash program.

Finally we will prepare the boot image.
sudo cp /usr/lib/syslinux/memdisk /boot/
sudo cp Dos6.22.img /boot/

Reboot and on grub screen press c and boot the image using:
root (hd0,0)
kernel memdisk
initrd Dos6.22.img

Sometimes is annoying having all this popups when VLC is minimized and track changes.

Here is how to disable them (for version 1.x):
Go to Tools-> Preferences -> All -> Interfaces -> Main Interfaces -> Qt
and uncheck Notify on track change.

And since interface changed in new version (For version 2.x)

Go to Tools-> Preferences -> Interface -> Show media change popup

and change to Never

Here is a screenshot for reference:

VLC disable notification when minimized

Added by request(Trevor):

If you want to remove systray icon just above there is the setting “Show Systray Icon”. Uncheck it to remove icon from systray.

Recently I had to create a table to convert from lb to kg.

The way I did it was to start spreadsheet program – Excell or and fill up the conversion formula and desired data range.

1. In a cell fill the conversion in my case 1 lb = 0.453592 kg I used cell B1

2. Fill up a column with desired data

3. in next column type the formula =A3*$B$1

4. Copy the formula to other rows

5. Done

This method could be used for other conversions just by changeng the value in B1

The root password is the key to any Unix/Linux system and the person who knows it is with full rights. But there is a simple way to crack root password.

Just type at terminal:

echo '82 43/25 43+65P80P82P73P76P32P70P79P79P76P10P' | dc

I had a strange problem when trying to list all files i a folder.

I typed:

 find . *.gz

And received:

-bash: /usr/bin/find: Argument list too long

After searching on internet I saw a lot of similar problems, but then I remembered one of my old posts

bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long – How to fix it

After reviewing it for on more time I found my mistake

Correct syntax is:

find . -name "*.gz"

There are different ways of saving ink/toner, but SPRANQ has different approach – punching holes in the font.

Here is a sample:


The good news is that it is available under GPL.

Take it from here.

In the era of e-mail and internet less and less people use regular mail, but sometimes you need to send a letter to someone.

Typing the address can be annoying and sometimes unclear so let’s put your computer to work.

To print your and recipient address on an envelope you can use manual formatting on a page, but if you follow the instructions here the process will be more automated.

So what we need:

  1. Printer – you want to print with something
  2. Envelopes – and something to print on
  3. (OO) – and some tools

Note: If you have MS Office you can use it too. See at the end…

1. Start OO and create empty document in writer

2. Go to Insert -> Envelope

You will see similar window:


Add your address (if it is not already filled in) and Recipient address.

3. Select envelope format

Next click on Format tab


Choose your envelope format and addresses positioning

4. Setup your printer

It is not done you need also to setup your printer. Click on Printer tab:


Select correct envelope orientation and setup your printer to use envelope as paper and correct paper source (usually manual feed).

6. Ready to Print?!

When you are ready click on New Doc.:


Here you can add your logo and preview how the envelope will look like.

When you are sure it is OK just print it.

First few times you will be on trial and error, until you correctly print, but after will be straightforward.

For Microsoft Office users:

If you have Office it is not obligatory to download ind install

The procedure is similar, but on step 2 you go (at least in MS Office 2003) to Tools -> Letters and Mailings -> Envelopes and Mailings…

In case your arrow keys do not work as usual when you enter in “insert” mode try this:

:set nocompatible

And if this fixes the problem add:

set nocompatible

to your ~/.vimrc file.

I had this problem in FreeBSD 7.0 and this fixed it.

Found here.

It was something I always wanted to see…

Dribble, Freshrpms and Livna repos merged their packages in new repository RPM fusion.

This will give single point of distribution for many software packages and the end user will benefit more.

There you will find packages for Fedora and RHEL both free and nonfreee.

Here are installation instructions.

For the imaptient…

Grab and install those RPMs



Respectively for free and nonfree packages.

Enjoy 😉

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