Red Hat Developer Studio 1.0 (beta1)
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Red Hat Developer Studio 1.0 (beta1) is released for download and comments.
Red Hat Developer Studio is a set of eclipse-based development tools that are pre-configured for JBoss Enterprise Middleware Platforms and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Linux and windows versions are available.
The size of download (at least for Linux) is 530 MB.
Read installation manual for how to install.
TIP: to run jar archive issue
java -jar <jar archive>
at terminal.
Here is how it looks:
SCO vs Novell – court decision
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In short:
[T]he court concludes that Novell is the owner of the UNIX and UnixWare Copyrights.
Disable system beep – RHEL or CentOS part II
Filed Under Fix, Howto, Linux | 3 Comments
Since a lot of people work in runlevel 3 the previous tip may not work.
So I’ve searched for other solutions found another way of disabling system beep (on tab completion).
Just edit /etc/inputrc
vi /etc/inputrc
and uncomment following line:
# do not bell on tab-completion
set bell-style none
Then after next login system beep on tab completion will be disabled system-wide.
And another one:
as root type:
rmmod pcspkr
This one will remove the module responsible for playing sound on system speaker.
blacklist pcspkr
in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist
Should disable the module too, but it is not working for me under CentOS 5 – submitted as bug.
Another one (Hardware):
If you have PC simply open the case and unplug speaker cable from the motherboard.
NOTE: PC speaker could be very usefull when troubleshooting problems so this option is not really recommended.
OR search in your BIOS for option to disable it.
Firefox – Second security patch for the month
Filed Under Fix, Linux, Windows | Leave a Comment
After hacker released to the public details about Firefox URI flaw Mozilla released new version of Firefox – with following security issues fixed:
- Unescaped URIs passed to external programs
- Privilege escalation through chrome-loaded about:blank windows
First critical and second with moderate impact. Both connected with how Mozilla handle URI protocol.
Time to update again.
RHEL 5.1 (beta) released
Filed Under Announcements, Linux, news | Leave a Comment
RedHat announced beta release of RHEL 5.1
This release improves/fixes:
- Virtualization
- Laptop/Desktop
- Storage
- Network
- Windows compatibility
- Security
- …..
For more information see the announcement.
Install ORACLE XE on RHEL (CentOS) 5
Filed Under Howto, Linux, oracle | 6 Comments
What is that?
Oracle XE – “Oracle Database 10g Express Edition (Oracle Database XE) is an entry-level, small-footprint database based on the Oracle Database 10g Release 2 code base that’s free to develop, deploy, and distribute; fast to download; and simple to administer….”
RHEL – is Linux for enterprise environment.
CentOS – “is an Enterprise-class Linux Distribution derived from sources freely provided to the public by a prominent North American Enterprise Linux vendor.” Aiming for binary compatibility with RHEL.
After first month of releasing CentOS 5.0 one of the questions was will Oracle and RHEL continue to work together and certify their products after release of Oracle Unbreakable Linux -based on RHEL.
Recently Redhat added Oracle Database 10gR2 to their software catalog, but in the meantime Oracle released Oracle Database 11g.
Enough theory let’s start.
First you need to download Oracle XE. I prefer(and recommend) using universal edition.
Then it becomes much simpler.
Just issue(from terminal):
rpm -ivh <path to oracle rpm>
In case of missing packages see my previous post for a way to install them.
After successful installation the installer instruct you to run:
/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
for initial configuration. Read carefully the questions and remember system password.
Then you are ready to use XE.
Just start the browser and type:
If you are not familiar with Oracle there are step by step instructions here and here, and official documentation here.
If you cannot access web server after successful installation check your host name it seems that oracle xe do not likes FQDN hostname. In case that you do not have DNS server enter your FQDN in local hosts file.
Credits for the tip goes to Emerson.
RHEL/CentOS package xxxxx missing
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Often when installing 3-d party software in RHEL/CentOS or other yum capable Linux OS there is a message of missing libraries or packages.
How to fix it?
Here is the trick.
You can use yum package manager to search for missing pieces.
yum whatprovides <package name/library>
This command will search all configured repositories for package that provides it.
Another option is to search Internet.
TIP: For better stability install only packages in official repositories. OR ones that clearly specify that they work on your OS/version.
Shutdown IPtables firewall
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Sometimes in troubleshooting process is necessary to turn of firewall for a short period of time.
In Linux based OS usually IPtables is used as firewall. It runs as service and could be stopped, started or restarted. In addition the status could be checked.
Here is how to do it:
Command line
When in terminal type:
Usage: /etc/init.d/iptables {start|stop|restart|condrestart|status|panic|save}
Gives you hints how to use it.
Note that to execute any of actions you need administrative privileges – either login as root, “su -
” or setup sudo.
another tool that is doing the same is
service iptables <command>
If you like GUI but use command prompt you can use:
And you will have simple interface of configuring security – firewall and selinux
GUI based
From GUI you can use the same tool just by removing -tui or go to System–>Administration –> Security level and firewall.
Another GUI frienly way is System–>Administration –> Services where you can do the same actions as from terminal.
TIP: Do not leave your system unprotected on Internet. Use cheap SOHO firewall in front of the system until IPtables is set up.
TIP: If you are newbie in firewall configuration use some third party tools as firestarter to guide you in your setup.
NOTE: Above steps are for RHEL (CentOS) compatible systems.
Laptop for $ 150?!
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Everybody know about OLPC (one laptop per child) – it is really popular project offering laptop like device for the children of developing countries for about $100.
Several other companies build concurrent projects:
- Intel – Classmate PC
- Asus – Eee PC 701 ~ $ 200
Now there is new player on the market Meddison Celebrity offering a Linux laptop for $150 + shipping and taxes.
From company news it seems that it is manufactured in Brazil.
ATTENTION: I’m not affiliate with the company and cannot guarantee anything. There is proverbe: “It’s too good to be true”. Be careful since there is no phone number on their contact page and delivery time is very extended 4-6 weeks + they cannot guarantee that the price will not change. If this is a scam we will know maybe in 3-6 months when first laptops are delivered (or not).
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Have you already write the code and have the need to keep track of changes or keep different versions with possibility to revert easily to previous version?
Do you still have those problems?
If so the tool you may need is called subversion and is available for Linux/Unix/MAC OS X and Windows.
How to use it?
It is relatively easy especially if you create local repository:
1. You need to install the binary version or compile from source code (the procedure is described for CentOS 5, but sould not be drastically different for other OS’s except fro installation part)
yum install subversion
2. Next step is to create repository – it must be done on the machine where repository will reside
svnadmin create <path to local directory>
3. After you create repository next step is to import data
svn import <folder> <repository> -m "<log message>"
- folder – direcrtory where your data reside
- repository – file:///<path to repository> Note there are 3 slashes
- log message – something meaninfull probably something like “first import”
4. Rename the folder
mv folder folder.beforesvn
5. Create working copy of the data
svn checkout <repository> <working copy>
6. Start working and send changes to repository with
svn commit
Note that you need to be in “working copy” folder.