Even more and more people have Mobile phones capable to use e-mail still majority of mobile users have ordinary mobile phone.

After long search on internet I found a list explaining how to send SMS from e-mail.

Do not forget that SMS is limited to 160 characters so be short.

Here is the list:


MaxMobil xxxxxxxxxx@max.mail.at
One Connect xxxxxxxxx@onemail.at
T-Mobile xxxxxxxxx@sms.t-mobile.at


Blue Sky Frog xxxxxxxxx@blueskyfrog.com
Optus Mobile xxxxxxxxx@optusmobile.com.au


Mobistar xxxxxxxxx@mobistar.be


Mobility xxxxxxxxx@ml.bm


Claro (Brasil) xxxxxxx@clarotorpedo.com.br
Nextel xxxxxxxxx@nextel.com.br


Bell Mobility xxxxxxxxx@txt.bell.ca
Bell Mobility xxxxxxxxx@txt.bellmobility.ca
Fido xxxxxxxxx@fido.ca
Microcell xxxxxxxxx@fido.ca
Manitoba Telecom Systems xxxxxxxxx@text.mtsmobility.com
NBTel xxxxxxxxx@wirefree.informe.ca
PageMart xxxxxxxxx@pmcl.net
PageNet xxxxxxxxx@pagegate.pagenet.ca
Rogers xxxxxxxxx@pcs.rogers.com
Telus xxxxxxxxx@msg.telus.com


Bell South xxxxxxxxx@bellsouth.cl

Czech Republic

Eurotel +ccaaxxxxxxx@sms.eurotel.cz
Oskar xxxxxxxxx@mujoskar.cz


Sonofon xxxxxxxx@note.sonofon.dk
Tele Danmark Mobil xxxxxxxx@sms.tdk.dk
Telia Denmark xxxxxxxxx@gsm1800.telia.dk


EMT xxxxxxxxx@sms.emt.ee


SFR xxxxxxxxx@sfr.fr


T-Mobile +49xxxxxxx@t-d1-sms.de
Mannesmann Mobilefunk xxxxxxx@d2-message.de
E-Plus 0177xxxxxxx.sms@eplus.de


PGSM 3620xxxxxxx@sms.pgsm.hu


BPL mobile xxxxxxxxx@bplmobile.com
Chennai RPG Cellular xxxxxxxxx@rpgmail.net
Chennai Skycell / Airtel xxxxxxxxx@airtelchennai.com
Delhi Aritel xxxxxxxxx@airtelmail.com
Delhi Hutch xxxxxxxxx@delhi.hutch.co.in
Idea Cellular xxxxxxxxx@ideacellular.net
Orange xxxxxxxxx@orangemail.co.in


Meteor xxxxxxxxx@sms.mymeteor.ie


Telecom Italia Mobile 33xxxxxxxx@posta.tim.it
Vodafone Omnitel 34xxxxxxxx@vizzavi.it
Vodafone xxxxxxxxx@sms.vodafone.it


Vodafone Japan xxxxxxxxx@c.vodafone.ne.jp
Vodafone Japan xxxxxxxxx@h.vodafone.ne.jp
Vodafone Japan xxxxxxxxx@t.vodafone.ne.jp


Kyivstar xxxxxxxxx@smsmail.lmt.lv
LMT 9xxxxxx@smsmail.lmt.lv
Tele2 xxxxxxxxx@sms.tele2.lv


Cellis / LibanCell 9613xxxxxx@ens.jinny.com.lb


P&T Luxembourg xxxxxxxxx@sms.luxgsm.lu


Celcom 019xxxxxxx@sms.celcom.com.my


Nextel xxxxxxxxx@mmsnextel.com.mx

The Netherlands

Dutchtone / Orange-NL xxxxxxxxx@sms.orange.nl


Netcom xxxxxxxxx@sms.netcom.no
Telenor xxxxxxxxx@mobilpost.no


Cable and Wireless xxxxxxxxx@cwmovil.com


Plus GSM +4860xxxxxxx@text.plusgsm.pl


Telcel 91xxxxxxx@sms.telecel.pt
Optimus 93xxxxxxx@sms.optimus.pt
TMN 96xxxxxxx@mail.tmn.pt


BeeLine GSM xxxxxxxxx@sms.beemail.ru
MTS 7xxxxxxxxxx@sms.mts.ru
Personal Communication sms@pcom.ru (number in subject line)
Primtel xxxxxxxxx@sms.primtel.ru
SCS-900 xxxxxxxxx@scs-900.ru
Uraltel xxxxxxxxx@sms.uraltel.ru
Vessotel xxxxxxxxx@pager.irkutsk.ru

Serbia and Montenegro (Former Yugoslavia)

Mobtel Srbija xxxxxxxxx@mobtel.co.yu


MiWorld xxxxxxxxx@m1.com.sg
Mobileone xxxxxxxxx@m1.com.sg


Mobitel xxxxxx@linux.mobitel.si
Si Mobil xxxxxx@simobil.net


Movistar xxxxxxxxx@correo.movistar.net
Vodafone xxxxxxxxx@vodafone.es


Comviq GSM 467xxxxxxxx@sms.comviq.se
Europolitan 4670xxxxxxx@europolitan.se


Sunrise Mobile xxxxxxxxx@freesurf.ch
Sunrise Mobile xxxxxxxxx@mysunrise.ch
Swisscom xxxxxxxxx@bluewin.ch


Mobitel xxxxxxxxx@sms.co.tz


Golden Telecom xxxxxxxxx@sms.goldentele.com
Kyivstar xxxxxxxxxx@2sms.kyivstar.net
UMC xxxxxxxxx@sms.umc.com.ua

United Kingdom

Orange 0973xxxxxx@omail.net
Orange xxxxxxxxx@orange.net
O2 name@o2.co.uk
O2 (M-mail) xxxxxxxxx@mmail.co.uk
T-Mobile UK xxxxxxxxx@t-mobile.uk.net
Vodafone UK xxxxxxxxx@vodafone.net

United States

Alltel xxxxxxxx @message.alltel.com
AT&T (formerly Cingular) xxxxxxxx@txt.att.net; xxxxxxxxx@mms.att.net (MMS); xxxxxxxx@cingularme.com
Boost Mobile xxxxxxxx@myboostmobile.com
Nextel (now Sprint Nextel) xxxxxxxx@messaging.nextel.com
Sprint PCS (now Sprint Nextel) xxxxxxxx@messaging.sprintpcs.com; xxxxxxxx@pm.sprint.com (MMS)
T-Mobile xxxxxxxx@tmomail.net
US Cellular xxxxxxxx@email.uscc.net (SMS); xxxxxxxxx@mms.uscc.net (MMS)
Verizon xxxxxxxxx@vtext.com; xxxxxxxxxx@vzwpix.com (MMS)
Virgin Mobile USA xxxxxxxxxx@vmobl.com

Any updates and notes are welcome in the comments.

Remember, before you start “spamming” your friends ask them if they want to receive e-mail to SMS/MMS. Most of the plans do not include unlimited SMS and the user usually pays incoming SMS-es.

And for the “victims” if you do not want to receive e-mail to SMS ask your provider to stop that service as I did with my cell phone after a “friend” started to use e-mail to SMS (even it was not an emergency) instead simply sending me an e-mail.


23 Responses to “How to send e-mail to SMS”

  1. jhon on February 6th, 2009 12:03 pm

    i see that you have the code for o2 england.

    but do you have the code for o2 Ireland??
    please help.

  2. jhon on February 6th, 2009 12:04 pm

    Thank you for your help.
    in advance

  3. hb on February 6th, 2009 8:51 pm

    For the moment they do not offer this service(at least that’s written on their forum).

    If someone knows how or have other carriers to add – just add them as comments.

  4. Mrd4m on April 8th, 2009 8:26 pm

    anyone knew…. indonesia gateway email or sms? thanks

  5. Ptown on July 29th, 2009 3:08 am

    bad ass lil tool

  6. Ptown on July 29th, 2009 3:10 am

    btw – if someone want to bust me out how would they go about it (sending anyonomous)

  7. hb on July 29th, 2009 7:58 am

    If you mean to flood you – it will not work easily. Most of operators have flooding protection and in case you are flooded they will just ignore e-mails.

    but if you pay for receiving SMS-es contact your operator to disable that feature.

  8. detroit on August 3rd, 2009 11:54 am

    for indonesia?

  9. Jim on September 10th, 2009 3:35 pm

    I’m looking for a way to send an SMS text message to an o2 phone subscriber in Ireland. Do you know of a way?

  10. hb on September 10th, 2009 7:35 pm

    As you can see from the first comment there is no such service for now…

  11. shafin on September 24th, 2009 2:50 pm

    dear brother i want to use in saudi arabia how can i use
    Network : (stc),(Mobily)

  12. hb on September 26th, 2009 6:17 pm

    For now there is no provider from Saudi Arabia that offers the e-mail to SMS service.

    If someone knows one feel free to post here.

  13. Jake on February 12th, 2010 6:15 pm

    needing to txt sum1 w/metropcs in mansfield tx, usa

  14. James on February 13th, 2010 5:29 pm

    what is the “@xxxxxxxxx” for metropcs

  15. hb on February 13th, 2010 5:32 pm

    xxxxxxxxxx is the phone number of the recipient.

  16. hb on February 13th, 2010 5:35 pm
  17. Firebird on October 10th, 2010 11:34 pm


    Does not seem to work with me.
    I also noticed there are 9 x’s and my number has 10.

    Does anyone know what’s wrong with it?


  18. hb on October 11th, 2010 8:17 am

    all “x”-es replace destination phone number…

    It is possible that this provider discontinued this service or activation is required.

    Best source for that information is provider support. Please, contact them for more details.

  19. TB on April 6th, 2011 4:45 am

    Anyone post a list for Indonesia?

    Specifically looking for carrier Telkomsel

    Thanks in advance

  20. Caquita on April 28th, 2013 4:43 pm

    for the uk, xxx@vodafone.net does not seem to work. have they changed it? does it no longer work? i need answers, people! [joking, of course :o)]

  21. vicnit on November 13th, 2013 3:07 am

    do you have any indonesian provider?
    thank you

  22. arun on November 10th, 2014 9:59 pm

    Hi..Do you have the Singtel & Starhub details. both this company from singapore

  23. Mike Hill on October 2nd, 2017 8:38 am

    Do you have the address for vodafone in ukraine. I have tried 38050xxxx@vodafone.ua, with a + in front of it, with the 050xx, with 8050xxx and nothing seems to work.

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