Most of “ux” users and administrators use remote terminal to connect to administrared machine.

One of the popular choises, minly because of it’s portability is PuTTy only putty.exe is needed and no installation is required. In addition it is free.

Downside is that sometimes there are problems with terminal emulation – not necessary coming from putty, but still annoying.

One of my problems is that when vim is in insert mode arrow keys do not work. For long time I was no able to find solution to the problem, but finally i found one. Just type this in your home folder:

echo syntax enable > ~/.vimrc

This did the trick for me. Hope it helps to you too.


One Response to “vim and PUTTY”

  1. Hrach on December 26th, 2011 11:10 am

    Thanks a lot.

    The above mentioned step is fixed my issue.

    Best regards,

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